Monday, March 1, 2010

Watercolor Painting - Ballroom dancing


I have been putting aside the ballroom dancing watercolor for a while because I have not decided what to paint on the background.  It is not an easy decision and finially I have enough courage to start and try to finish it with a wash of blue watercolor for the background.  I started to paint from the top with misture of French Ultramarine Blue.  As I painted towords the middle, other blue like Cerulean Blue is added to the wash.  I need to work quickly around the ballroom dancers with the background wash.  It is typical of watercolor paint and it is unpredicable in areas of washes.  Finally I came to do the lower area in which there is shadows and I added more French Ultramarine, Alizarin Crimson and a touch of Prussian Blue to the mixture.  Before it is dry, the shadow was painted several layers of wash to achieve the desire intensity.  It is a 15″ x 20.5 inches watercolor painting on cold press watercolor paper.

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